not the rhino
Friday, February 27, 2004

Check out these photos from SF! They literally made me cry. (Make sure to click "Next" on the bottom left to continue.) I like the one with the two babies. And the line outside city hall.

There were two good Salon articles about gay marriage this week, too:

"You can't imagine what it's like from a distance. Straight or gay, visitors get teary when they walk inside City Hall, where the meaning of what Newsom did is huge and palpable. It's always struck me as vaguely homophobic, the insistence on how 'normal' these couples are, but that really is what hits you in person. Sure, there are drag queens in the line waiting for marriage licenses, and plenty of old-fashioned flannel-shirted lesbians. But there are also 50-something men in bad suits and women in Prada; there are women in wheelchairs and interracial couples; and there are children everywhere, kids doing homework sitting on the floor as they wait for their parents' turn to get married. These are families already, and once you see them you know: There's really no going back." 
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