Howdy. I report from a new
location. New office, new house -- all that!
The most exciting part of my drive here yesterday was eating a whole pear. All of it! (almost.) Usually, I leave the core and the seeds and the little string that connects the stem to the core... but not yesterday. I was driving, and there was really nowhere to put the leftover pear remains. So I ate them! Bwah hah hah.
It was a pretty ripe pear, so I was driving along with cool, sticky pear juice dripping down my hand and running into my sleeve... it made me think of one of the last nights of college: there were five of us in the car. For some reason, we were talking about fruit, (crazy college kids that we were) and there were two votes for really hard pears, two votes for really ripe, juicy pears... and that left Liz as the tie-breaking vote in this (clearly very important) matter of squishy vs. firm pears. "Well?" we asked her. "Whose side are you on?" She paused, and as she shook her head she said, "I fuckin' HATE pears!"
Who hates pears? I mean, really?
A lot of
people, apparently.