not the rhino
Monday, April 05, 2004
  There's more bread in the blender than usual...

A few food links, before I forget them:

I have yet to try these three recipes, but they come highly recommended.

1) Scallops with a complicated lemongrass sauce -- this was described to me as "one of the best things I've ever made" by a foodie physics professor.

2) Easy and yummy salmon with brown sugar, lime, & chiles, from the Whole Foods cookbook.

3) I'm really excited about making pizza on the grill this summer. Mark Bittman says: " I'm not sure there is a grilled food that impresses guests more than pizza. The results, once you get the hang of the process, are outstanding." He's the guys who writes the excellent "Minimalist cooks at home" column in the Wednesday Food Section of the NY Times. I don't have it, but I definitely recommend his book by the same name.

And here's a recipe I *have* tried. LL was asking me about things to cook with whole grains, and wheat berries are kind of weird, but I really like them. Whole foods has a salad made with wheat berries that I recommend. (Wheat berry is kind of a funny name, since they're no more "berries" than barley grains are "barley berries" or whole oats are "oat berries.") If you go to Whole Foods, you might want to try a bit on the salad bar before you try to make it. The texture is a little strange and chewy.

A few notes on that recipe: I've used walnuts instead of the Brazil Nuts (but I'm sure Brazil nuts would be fine, too) and I think that the crumbled feta cheese is absolutely essential to the salad. The feta's salty though, (mmm) so watch the amount of other salt you put in. 
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