not the rhino
Saturday, May 15, 2004
  A great This American Life:

A man stops producing testosterone due to a medical condition, and they don't figure out for four months what the problem is. He says:

"Everything that I identify as being me: my ambition, my interest in things, my sense of humor, the inflection in my voice, I mean the quality of my speech even changed in the time that I was without a lot of the hormone. Yes, the introduction of testosterone returned everything...

I grew up in a culture, like all of us, that divides the soul from the body, and that that is your singleness, that is your uniqueness, and nothing can touch that. And then, I go through this experience where I have small amounts of a bodily chemical removed and then reintroduced, and it changes everything I know as my self, and it violates the sanctity of that understanding - that understanding that who you are exists independent of any other forces in the universe. You know? And that's humbling. And it's terrfying."

There's also the story woman becoming a man, who has been getting testosterone injections, and the story of the staff of the radio show getting their testosterone levels tested. Who will have the most? Do they care?

You can listen to it, online!

Screw you, prefixes.

Flammable and inflammable mean the same thing.

As do privation and deprivation.

i just don't know yet.

12.03 / 01.04 / 02.04 / 03.04 / 04.04 / 05.04 / 07.04 / 08.04 / 09.04 / 10.04 / 12.04 / 01.05 / 02.05 / 03.05 /

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