Links that are not for the tender ears:
oldie but goodie.
Is that what you want?
They're some old flash movies from
Brunching Shuttlecocks -- I think of the first one every so often and it's a pain in the booty to google because I can never remember much about it. I know it has some association with Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, one of the characters is an egg roll, and it has a great last line. Try googling that. The second one features
Lore, whom you may know.
While you're rocking the internet videos, Ben Folds fans should check out the online video for
"still fighting it". (If you prefer Windows Media Player, you can go to the
Ben Folds site and click "video" on the top bar to get to it.) I like its homespun filming and sentimentality. Good song, too.